
15 Ideas For Being Kind

15  Ideas For Being Kind 1.  Be resolved to become a kind person. How do you do this? Think, speak, and act with kindness. 2.  Love kindness. When you do what you love, you are happy. A master of kindness is a  master of joy. 3.  When encountering someone, let your first thoughts be, What kind words can I say to this person and what kind things can I do? 4.  Keep asking people, What can I do for you? 5.  Everyone needs encouragement. Ask yourself, What can I say that will be encouraging? 6.  Wherever you are, you are there for a reason. Ask yourself, Since I am here now, what kindness can I do? 7.  Every kind person is unique. You have unique talents, skills, knowledge, and resources. Utilize them to help others in your own unique way. Ask yourself, In what unique ways can I be kind? 8.  Do a daily act of kindness without letting anyone know who did it. 9.  Learn from every kind act you see or read abo...

How To Be More Fun

How To Be More Fun   Simply put, being fun is a trait people generally appreciate in others. If you can be more fun they'll enjoy being around you more. It is something that has a time and a place though. If you're at a   party , or in a joking mood, you generally want to be around fun people, and having fun yourself. If you're going on a quiet, contemplative walk with a friend, that same fun behavior from someone may not fit the situation. Overall, I see being fun as just one social 'mode' of many people can be in. Sometimes it's the right one for the circumstances, sometimes not. This article covers the idea in more detail: Regular Logical Mode vs. Light Fun Mode In Social Interactions I think there are two aspects to being more fun. There are the behaviors that actively make you  more fun , and there are the traits to avoid that make you  less fun . Being more fun When I was trying to think up all the traits I've noticed that seem to ma...

How to Be a Good Student

How to Be a Good Student Introduction The typical college campus is a friendly place; but it is also a competitive environment. The education you receive there, and the attitudes you develop, will guide you for the rest of your life. Your grades will be especially important in landing your first job, or when applying to graduate school. To be a successful student requires certain skills; but, these are skills that can be  learned . The Basics of Being a Good Student Prioritize your life: Doing well in school should be your top priority. Study: There is no substitute. Always attend class. Do all of the homework and assigned reading. Develop self-discipline. Manage your time. Self-Discipline Made Easy Human beings are creatures of habit. Therefore, form a  habit  of doing what you reason you should do. Is it not foolish for your behavior to contradict your own reasoning? And what could be more harmonious than finding yourself  wanting  to do w...

7 Surprising Benefits of Talking to Yourself

7  Surprising Benefits of Talking to Yourself It doesn’t mean you’re crazy. In fact, it can help you clarify your thoughts, shake off stress, and boost your mood. the first thing My teenager is home on break from college and my husband quit his job to freelance, so now we both work from home. I love having them around, so I couldn’t figure out why I’d been feeling stressed out. Then I went for a long walk alone and immediately understood what I’d been missing: talking to myself. I talk to myself. Out loud. A lot. And when I don’t, I’m like an athlete who can’t practice his sport or a musician denied time with her instrument. When you talk to yourself, you’re paying attention to someone who often gets short shrift in your life: you. If you berate yourself for behaving idiotically or painfully regret something you’ve done, obviously your self-talk is going to make you feel worse. But if you get a good dialogue going between you and yourself, you can make real headway in cla...

How To Train Your Brain To Be Happy

How To Train Your Brain To Be Happy Does  your brain produce happy or unhappy thoughts Sometimes we think it’s our genes that make us the kind of person we are. However, that’s not the whole story. Sometimes we are so preoccupied with the status quo that we forget we have the power to become the person we want to be So if happiness is what you’re after, know that by training your brain you can program your mind to make you happy. And let’s face it, who is not looking to be happy? 1. You choose how happy you are. How? By the type of thoughts you make. Positive thoughts make you happy, while negative thoughts make you unhappy. “I’m so fat.” – That’s a negative thought that makes you feel helpless. “I will never achieve this.” – Another negative thought. “I like spending time with my spouse.” – A positive thought that brings you good feelings. “Let’s go on vacation, babe!” – Now that’s excitement! Happiness is here! So far so good.  But how can y...
Worlds by ali hammami
its the most amizing puzzle in the world Try it by ali hammami